Females in Action (FiA) is a FREE, peer-led workout group for women of all ages and fitness levels.

What is FiA?

FiA stands for Females in Action. We are a community of women whose mission is to make each other stronger in all areas of our lives. We organize FREE, peer-led workouts each week that are open to women of all ages and fitness levels… but FiA is more than a workout group. FiA is a community of women who offer support, encouragement and a chance to lead.  We are in 23 states and 2 countries with 96 regions!

Our Workouts

We meet early to start the day energized and in community! Check out our schedule and join us.

More than a workout group

FiA is a community - it is more than a workout group. We do life together and support each other. Yes, we workout together, but we build relationships with each other through coffee dates, happy hour, philanthropy efforts, and more. We join women across 23 states as one big group of FiA Nation. We are truly better together.


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Contact Us

Want to learn more?

Email us at fiaphoenixaz@gmail.com

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