Weekly Workout Schedule

Saturday 7:30-8:15 am | Boot camp @ Arcadia Park | 3402 N 56th St, Phoenix, AZ 85018

*Walk/jog/run group on Tuesday/Thursday seasonally at 5:30 am in the Arcadia area. Contact us at fiaphoenixaz@gmail.com for the start location.

*We also have a region in Gilbert! Check fiagilbert.com for the latest schedule.

First time?

We LOVE having newcomers join us. What can you expect at your first FiA workout?  A fun workout that starts and ends on time, exercises that challenge you wherever you are on your fitness journey and a group of friendly women! We recommend bringing a mat and plenty of water.  You can always email fiaphoenixaz@gmail.com or send a message through social media to let us know you’re coming.

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